About Us

The Clean Hydrogen Future Coalition (CHFC) was founded to bring together a diverse group of stakeholders to promote clean hydrogen as a critical pathway to achieve global decarbonization objectives while also increasing U.S. global competitiveness.

The Clean Hydrogen Future Coalition represents a diverse group of energy companies, labor unions, utilities, NGOs, equipment suppliers, and project developers who are committed to the advancement of a net zero CO2 economy that is supported by infrastructure across the supply chain to fully scale clean hydrogen production and use in the U.S.

Board Members

General Members

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Advocacy Initiatives

To catalyze a clean hydrogen industry in the United States, CHFC is identifying specific actions that the U.S. can undertake to scale the full supply chain for clean hydrogen production, transport, storage, and use, as well as the technology development and infrastructure needs across multiple sectors.

The CHFC aims to support policies that that will catalyze investments in the full value chain of clean hydrogen economy, as well as those that address the technology development and infrastructure needs that will scale a clean hydrogen economy in the U.S.

CHFC Federal Policy Principles

CHFC is advancing federal policy with the goal to incentivize the creation of a clean hydrogen market. Clean hydrogen is a nascent industry and government support will be critical to create a clean hydrogen market. Federal policy should be designed to create a clean hydrogen market that can be sustainable and economic over the long-term. Policy should also recognize that all methods of clean hydrogen production will be necessary to cost-effectively create and scale an industry to enable clean hydrogen as a decarbonization solution.

CHFC is designing incentives based on a technology neutral, carbon intensity approach of the hydrogen being produced, distributed and utilized.  Federal policy should promote a level playing field for all forms and uses of clean hydrogen, and a carbon intensity-based approach that includes a lifecycle analysis of greenhouse gas emissions will ensure this outcome.  Such an approach will also result in competitive and standardized pricing signals that will be needed for clean hydrogen to be appropriately valued in markets.

CHFC is supporting federal policies for the full value chain for clean hydrogen.  While clean hydrogen production is a necessary first step, policies to scale the full value chain of hydrogen infrastructure will be needed – including transport (delivery) to end use markets and storage at the point of use or in regional centers, as well as stimulating the use of clean hydrogen in diverse market applications.   

CHFC is ensuring federal incentives are designed to provide certainty for financial investment. Federal incentives should be designed to help first movers overcome investment risk, which is the most uncertain phase on the deployment curve for new energy technologies. Targeted incentives that provide certainty for financial investment in clean hydrogen infrastructure will reduce financial risk, attract private sector investment and ensure that taxpayer dollars are used to achieve the results intended.  In addition to incentives, federal policies should enable the growth of clean hydrogen infrastructure.   

CHFC is endorsing federal policies that reflect the contributions of skilled labor and the use of existing infrastructure necessary to underwrite the clean energy transition.  Any federal policy should recognize the value that skilled labor will bring to each sector of the clean hydrogen value chain and the contribution that the skills and proficiency of existing jobs will bring to a clean energy economy.  Policies must also identify the important role that our infrastructure and existing assets can play in the deployment of clean hydrogen. 

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Resource Center

Hydrogen is an Energy Superstar

Modeling by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and others predicts that global climate mitigation efforts will fall short of the 2°C target unless the world’s energy system — from power generation to all end-use sectors — undertakes substantial technological changes. One of the most viable technology pathways that international climate modeling authorities have identified for meeting those climate targets is clean hydrogen.

Clean hydrogen is a game changer and has the ability to accelerate decarbonization across all sectors of the U.S. economy, as well as transition existing — and create new — skilled, high paying jobs needed to support the clean energy transition. Multiple domestic industries have identified clean hydrogen as a critical component of their strategy for achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emission targets. In addition to the wide range of applications and potential for significant future demand, clean hydrogen can also be used to store energy over long periods of time, as well as move and deliver energy to where it is needed, making it a highly versatile, clean energy resource.

The Clean Hydrogen Ecosystem

Hydrogen Production Graphic
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration

Clean hydrogen can be produced from a diverse range of low-carbon energy sources. Its potential supply includes production from renewable electricity, biomass, nuclear, and fossil fuels combined with carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS).

You can learn more about hydrogen production here.

Hydrogen Transportation and Storage
Source: U.S. Department of Energy’s 2020 Hydrogen Program Plan

Hydrogen can be used to store, move, and deliver low carbon or carbon neutral energy to where it is needed. It can be transported as a gas by pipelines or in liquid form by ships, much like liquefied natural gas (LNG). It can be stored as a liquid, gas, or chemical compound such as ammonia.

You can learn more about hydrogen transport and storage here.

Map of End Use
Source: U.S. Department of Energy’s 2020 Hydrogen Program Plan

There are a wide range of applications where the use of hydrogen is either growing or has the potential for significant future demand. Clean hydrogen can be used as a feedstock or a replacement fuel in a number of industries, including petroleum refining, ammonia for fertilizer production, food and pharmaceutical production, metals and steel manufacturing, and in nearly all forms of transportation, including air, ship and rail. Hydrogen can also be converted to energy through engines, turbines, and fuel cells, or through hybrid approaches such as integrated combined cycle gasification and hydrogen turbines. Clean hydrogen is one of the leading, lowest cost options for storing energy from renewables, as it can be stored onsite and electricity from clean hydrogen can be dispatched on demand over long durations and can extend through seasonal demand needs.

You can learn more about hydrogen end uses here.

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Contact CHFC

Marina Bell, Clean Hydrogen Future Coalition


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